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Glen R. Lyman Art
One of my current projects revolves around the use of sequential visual art for the purpose of telling a specific story that has been brewing in my head for years. I have researched the use of narrative elements in visual artwork as illustrated primarily in comics and graphic novels. I have made connections of historical narrative art to the impact that sequential art has upon a culture, particularly modern America. Cognitive interaction between sequential art and the viewer is very relevant to my work at this time. My overarching framework now emphasizes the benefits of utilizing sequential visual art for the purpose of effectively telling my story, and expressing what I want to present.
I am, in essence, redefining the graphic novel. Told with text, images and images of objects, the tale is an adventurous sci-fi story about a reluctant hero from the American Southwest who trains in several styles of martial arts in an attempt to one day defeat the evil Plague Doctor, who destroyed his boyhood home. The novel will include images of life-sized 3-dimensional figures (as well as other objects), a ridiculous amount of oil paintings, along with drawings, frit drawings, and images of glass fusion pieces. Included on this website are a few images shown in slightly different formats than they will show up in the graphic novel. I am also, as a story-telling device, including a creative way to present dialogue between characters...but I don't want to give too much away at this point. Thankfully a narrator will also help to spin the yarn.

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